A close up of the graphene structure on top of a hand.

Sustainable Carbon Innovations

At Carbonix, we are committed to leading the way in sustainable innovation with our advanced carbon solutions. Our key patent families represent groundbreaking technologies designed to meet the demands of various industries while promoting environmental sustainability.



  • Advanced Control of Surface Chemistry: Our proprietary technology allows for precise manipulation of activated carbon (AC) surface chemistry to enhance adsorption of recalcitrant contaminants of concern.
  • Tailored Functionality: Utilizing a combination of instrumentation and expertise, including BET surface area analysis, MP-AES, XPS, mass spectrometry, electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction, we can tune our materials for specific applications.
  • Pore Modification: Incorporating functional groups on AC surfaces dramatically changes the adsorption extent of small organic acids, improving oil sands process water treatment by up to 20 times.
  • Attributes:
  • Surface area: 500 – 3,000 m2
  • Pore distribution: controllable
  • Morphology: powder, granular
  • Sample Applications:
  • Organics: naphthenic acids, hydrocarbons
  • Metals: arsenic, selenium, hexavalent chromium, iron and nickel
  • Inorganics: selenite, arsenate, chloride and sodium


  • Novel Carbon/Polymer Net Hybrid: Carbonix flocculants are a carbon polymer hybrid. This synergy enhances floc settling, dewatering, and sedimentation, leading to faster particle aggregation and more efficient water separation in industrial applications.
  • Integration of Advanced Technologies: The development of Carbonix flocculants involves a combination of advanced instrumentation and expertise, including surface area analysis, mass spectrometry, and electron microscopy. These technologies enable precise tuning of the materials' abilities, enhancing their value and effectiveness in industrial applications.
  • Versatile Application Methods: Our flocculants can be applied using existing infrastructure, reducing operational costs while maintaining high treatment efficiency.
  • Attributes:
  • High molecular weight: form large stable flocs, enhanced sedimentation
  • High efficiency: fast aggregation, clarification and dewatering
  • Sample Applications:
  • Oil and Gas Industry
  • Mining and Mineral Processing
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment


Synthetic Graphite:

  • Product Duality: Our carbon scaffold platform precursors enable us to produce both non-catalytic and catalytic graphites. Non-catalytic graphites offer excellent structural integrity and conductivity for battery anodes and electrodes. Catalytic graphites boast increased surface area and superior electrochemical properties. This versatile approach supports various applications, from energy storage to advanced electronics, while emphasizing sustainability and efficiency.
  • Attributes:
  • High Purity: Essential for ensuring consistent performance and reducing impurities in applications.
  • High Electrical Conductivity: Provides excellent electrical performance, crucial for batteries and electronic applications.
  • Thermal Stability: Maintains structural integrity and performance at high temperatures.
  • High Mechanical Strength: Offers durability and resistance to wear and tear.
  • Customizable Particle Size and Shape: Allows for optimization in various applications, from anodes in batteries to conductive coatings.
  • Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE): Reduces the risk of thermal stress and deformation in high-temperature environments.
  • Controlled Surface Area: Enhances the material's reactivity and capacity in energy storage and catalysis applications.

Conductive Carbons/Polymers:

  • Leveraging Skills: Combining carbon allotropes and polymer science expertise to produce tailored conductive carbons with exceptional electrical properties. This combination results in versatile materials that significantly enhance conductive performance in applications in battery materials, semiconductors , sensors, and advanced composite materials.
  • Conductive Carbons:
  • High Electrical Conductivity:, Essential for energy storage and electronic applications.
  • Thermal Stability: Maintains performance at high temperatures.
  • Mechanical Strength: Provides durability and longevity.
  • Customizable Surface Area: Enhances reactivity and performance
  • Carbon as Catalyst:
  • Pore Size Distribution: Tailored pore sizes allow for efficient mass transfer
  • Metals Functionalized: creates highly active catalytic sites
  • Conductive Polymers:
  • Electrical Conductivity: Combines the conductivity of carbon and polymers.
  • Mechanical Flexibility: Offers enhanced flexibility, for enhanced strength.
  • Durability: Provides robust performance under mechanical stress.
  • Processability: Easy to process and fabricate into various forms, allowing for diverse application possibilities

Key Patent Families

Carbon Scaffold Platform Technology

  • Description: This patent covers the fundamental methods and processes of our proprietary carbon scaffold platform.
  • Innovations: We specialize in high-purity carbon precursor production and tailored surface chemistry for specific applications, enabling diverse industrial uses.

Advanced Flocculants and Adsorbents

  • Description: This patent focuses on our innovative flocculants and adsorbents designed for water treatment and tailings management.
  • Innovations: Our carbon/polymer hybrid flocculants feature tailored adsorption properties and high efficiency, providing effective solutions for water purification and waste management.

Synthetic Graphite Production

  • Description: This patent relates to our processes for producing high-quality synthetic graphite.
  • Innovations: Utilizing both non-catalytic and catalytic production methods, we achieve high purity and customizable particle sizes, ensuring optimal performance for various applications.

Conductive Carbons

  • Description: This patent encompasses our advanced conductive carbon materials.
  • Innovations: Our conductive carbons are engineered for high electrical conductivity, thermal stability, and mechanical strength, making them ideal for a range of demanding industrial applications.

Conductive Carbon/Polymer Hybrids

  • Description: This patent protects the technology behind our hybrid materials that combine carbon allotropes and polymers.
  • Innovations: These innovative materials provide enhanced mechanical flexibility and electrical conductivity, resulting in lightweight and durable solutions suited for various applications.

Get in Touch

Explore how our innovative technologies can transform your operations and contribute to sustainability. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can support your goals.